Wednesday, May 27, 2015

UFO over the George Bush Ranch Mass sighting

This story is a few years old but it is still an interesting story.
 It's rare that Law Enforcement officers, especially a Texas
Law Enforcement officer are willing to go on camera and admit
to seeing a UFO.
The officer must have been quite affected by the experience
because he is eager to talk about it and does not seem to be
worried about what anyone thinks.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

UFO Experts website has new images and a new look!

aliens exist

We have added new content to the website UFO Experts

The website is mobile friendly and has a host of
images and video along with stories from people
who claim to have seen a UFO.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

ESA's Space Hazard Program NEAR EARTH OBJECTS

Europe's primary annual event for space weather and will see hundreds of international experts sharing the latest findings in the areas of space weather research and practical applications for avoiding harmful effects on satellites and other critical infrastructure.

Monday, May 6, 2013

UFO Research Evidence Video Photos

UFO Research is the way to go. We have seen enough video and images of people with Saucer shaped hats and funny props, now it's time to take the subject seriously. It seems that every time any story pops up about the subject, the news anchors default to making it a joke.

Recently Rachel Maddow ripped the Disclosure Hearings apart on her show. I can appreciate her opinion about a specific event, but no mention of the thousands of researchers who are not wearing tin foil hats and who treat the subject in the same way NASA and ESA do. In case you haven't noticed, Millions upon Millions have been spent peering into space or listening to space. Contests have been created to see who can come up with the best way to achieve Deep Space Travel. All this was done by our leaders and military. The question is "Why?" and if they are okay to venture into space, why can't we talk about object we see in the sky, but cannot explain. There are many examples of credible videos and images on various ufo websites and news agency websites.

Here are some examples: